Beggs Forgeworks

BFW Petty
BFW Petty
Custom Etching
Choil detail shot
Early BFW Chefs
Bog oak/Wrought San-mai Santoku
Stainless Santoku
BFW Petty
Stanmer Preservation Society Rural Museum, Brighton, BN1 9SE

Food and Beverage guy gone rogue.
Bladesmithing, tool refurbishment, sharpening and other forge works.
Based in Stanmer Park, Brighton.

Facilities offered
Maker's Mark
BFW Petty 1 year ago
Stainless Santoku 1 year ago
Bog oak/Wrought San-mai Santoku 1 year ago
Early BFW Chefs 3 years ago
Choil detail shot 3 years ago
Custom Etching 3 years ago
BFW Petty 3 years ago
Showing 7 results